It is with great pleasure I welcome you to our website. I do not consider it an accident that you have come to our online platform today. I believe the click of the button, which you may consider a mere coincidence, is a product of divine orchestration; God in His infinite mercies, bringing you our way for a divine purpose.
The Lord gave the word; Great was the company of those who proclaimed it: (Psalms 68:11 NKJV). Whatever your age, race, color, or status, there is a place for you at WBFMI.
And as you join us, be assured that your destiny is about to experience a glorious emergence.
Welcome to a new era in God and an exciting moment for those who have ears to hear and hearts to promptly obey what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.
Whereas others may, we cannot ...
Pastor F.N Olanrewaju.